有艺术性的韵律感。这种字体适合用于书法展示、传统文化类设计或者庄重、正式的场合。 Senty Dew is a calligraphic font known for its neat and dynamically varied style. Each letter is meticulously crafted, displaying an artistic rhythm. This font adds an element of interest and charm to texts, making it suitable for calligraphic displays, designs that emphasize traditional culture, or formal and dignified occasions.
新蒂朝露体 Senty Dew 《金剛經》上說「一切有為法,如夢幻泡影」,真的是這樣的,「如露亦如電,應作如是觀」。諸佛菩薩的看法是這樣的,它像閃電,它像露水,它不是真的,存在的時間很短。 如露亦如電 應作如是觀
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