新蒂龙宫体 Senty Dragon Palace
新蒂龙宫体是一款庄重而优雅的字体,采用楷书的风格。每个字母 的笔画都经过精心设计,形态端庄而工整,展现出传统字体的特 点。它适用于正式的场合,例如商业印刷品、书籍标题或文化艺术 类设计。
Senty Dragon Palace is a font that exudes solemnity and elegance, featuring a style reminiscent of traditional Chinese calligraphy. Each letter is meticulously designed with precise strokes, showcasing the characteristics of a classical typeface. It is suitable for formal occasions such as commercial printing, book titles, or cultural and artistic designs.
摩尼     宝珠
下载字体|Download 字符集:11000+ 简体、繁体汉字、拉丁字母 个人非商用免费下载 | 商用条款 SentyDragonPalace.ttf 8.65m
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