字符集:11000+ 简体、繁体汉字、拉丁字母 作者|Designer:王维 Wang Wei 个人非商用免费下载 | 商用条款 HanyiSentyPailouArch.ttf 9 MB
汉仪新蒂牌楼体 Hanyi Senty Pailou Arch 新蒂字体通过学习、分析历代历代匾额、碑刻拓片,以及写经残卷的书法资 料,综合现代审美,设计推出了这款新蒂新蒂牌楼体。这是一款古朴文雅,而 同时又具有醒目有力即视感的字体。 Hanyi Senty Pailou Arch is a Chinese font inspired by the calligraphy style on many ancient Chinese archways’ inscriptions. The traditional archway is also called Pailou or Paifang in Chinese, they were often built to commemorate someone’s outstanding virtue or accomplishment. This font is best used for formal and solemn occasions, as well as in signboard or logos.
新蒂字体也通过社交媒体为您服务 | Senty Font is on social media too
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